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Volume 8, 2013 - Number 2
György FÜLEKY1 & János KALMÁR2
1Szent István University, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. út. 1., Hungary; fuleky.gyorgy@mkk.szie.hu 2Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute, 1442 Budapest, Stefánia út 14., Hungary, johannkalmar@gmail.com NUTRIENT AND TRACE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION IN LOOSE FLUVIAL SEDIMENTS, KÖMLŐ AREA, HUNGARY Full text Abstract: The Kömlő model area is a 250x250 m sized agricultural field in the central part of the GreatHungarian Plain. In this paper, the geological background, the hydrogeology of the area and thedistribution of nutrients and trace elements of different soil levels were studied. The soil, which wasformed on the clayey-silty floodplain and the sandy riverbed sediments of the old River Tisa was sampledin 25 boreholes (4 genetic levels, 108 samples) and the samples were analyzed for 23 main and traceelements. Among them, tree groups of elements were recognized: the main, rock forming elements, thetrace elements of which concentration up to 1 ppm and some elements with concentrations below 1 ppm,close to the detection limit. The concentration of elements and the relation among them depend on thesediment type, on the soil level and on the presence of the groundwater table, while the areal distributionof some trace elements in the ploughed and in the root zones indicates the stream direction of thesediments during the past floods of the river Tisa. Keyword: Great Hungarian Plain, Holocene sediments, Nutrient elements, Trace elements, Ploughed layer, Root zone, Statistical analysis, Linear correlation. |
(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences) |