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Volume 8, 2013 - Number 1
Ratko RISTIĆ1, Milanko LJUJIĆ2, Jovan DESPOTOVIĆ3, Velimir ALEKSIĆ4, Boris RADIĆ1, Zoran NIKIĆ1, Vukašin MILČANOVIĆ1, Ivan MALUŠEVIĆ1 & Jasmina RADONJIĆ5
1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Kneza Višeslava 1, 11030, Belgrade, Serbia, ratko.risticc@gmail.com 2 Public Enterprise “17 September”, Vojvode Živojina Mišića 23, 32300 Gornji Milanovac, Serbia 3 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Beograd, Serbia 4 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Beograd, Serbia 5 Public Enterprise “SerbianWaters”, Trg kralja Aleksandra Ujedinitelja 2, 18000 Niš, Serbia RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION AND HYDROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF LAND USE CHANGES-CASE STUDY OF THE EXPERIMENTAL DIČINA RIVER WATERSHED Full text Abstract: Dams have always been a precious means of collecting, storage and managing of water resources throughout history. Today, there are about 845000 dams with a total volume of about 6000 km3. Reservoir sedimentation is a very complex problem both worldwide and in Serbia. Natural conditions and anthropogenic activities have strong influence on sedimentation intensity and hydrological processes, which is represented at the experimental watershed of the Dičina River, in Western Serbia. Reservoir of 340000 m3 was formed after construction of a 17 m high dam, in 1966. Sedimentation of the „Velika Dičina“ reservoire was determined on the basis of a survey from October 1966 to October 2011, along longitudinal profile, 750 m upstream from the dam, with 15 cross section profiles (at a spacing of 50 m). Land use changes were analyzed on the basis of a comparison of watershed conditions in 1966 and 2012, using the CORINE methodology and the MapInfo software. Sediment yield of the area and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the “Erosion Potential Method” (EPM). The hydrological conditions in 1966 and 2012 (after the performed Erosion and Torrent Control Works-ETCWs) were assessed on the basis of a historical overview of land use changes and their impact on computed maximal discharges. Total quantity of deposited sediment in the reservoir amounts to 18750 m3. Intensity of sedimentation has continuously been decreasing since 2002 as the consequence of land use changes, performed ETCWs and depopulation. The values of computed maximal discharges and volumes of computed hydrographs are significantly reduced. Depopulation caused a decrease in the anthropogenic pressure on the agricultural and forest surfaces in the watershed. The realization of restoration works contributed to a decrease in the annual yield of erosive material from Wа=16007 m3 to Wа=1930 m3. Keyword: sedimentation, erosion processes, depopulation, land use, sediment yield, maximal discharge, erosion and torrent control works |
(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences) |