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Volume 11, 2016 - Number 2
University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Bd. Carol I, Iaşi, Romania, laviniu.apostoae@gmx.com HEAVY METAL CONTENTS IN THE SOIL OF THE BOTANICAL GARDEN IN IAŞI, ROMANIA Full text Abstract: Although detailed research on heavy metal contents in urban area soil has been carried out, green areas and especially botanical gardens from Romania have been granted little attention so far. This is why we have carried out a study focused on the distribution of heavy metals in the soil of the Botanical Garden in Iaşi and on the assessment of potential anthropic output sources. Based on the 126 samples collected from the soil of the Botanical Garden in Iaşi, we have determined its contents of Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and As via X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. By comparison with the average Romanian soil, the tests run on soils from the Botanical Garden indicate higher contents of Pb, Cr, As, Ni and Cu, while Zn and Fe show only mildly richer concentrations. While the studied soils have a deficit of Cd and Co content, Mn is present in a percentage that is almost equal to the natural geochemical make-up of the Romanian soil. Starting from correlation coefficients, a principal component analysis and a hierarchical cluster analysis, we have established the existence of two potential sources of anthropic outputs whose impact on the soil of the Botanical Garden was determined with the help of heavy metal enrichment factors. The natural geochemical Cr, As and Cu background has been altered due to the use of agricultural chemicals whereas Pb and partially Ni contents reflect anthropic input generated by fossil fuel combustion (Pb and Ni), combined with the use of agricultural chemicals (Ni). Iron, Mn, Co, Cd and Zn contents indicate their belonging to the natural geochemical background, and in the case of Zn one can notice a slightly higher level generated by the use of agricultural chemicals. Keyword: Botanical Garden, Iaşi, Romania, soil, heavy metals, pollution |
(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences) |