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You are here: Home » Past Issues » Volume 4, 2009 - Number 1 » THE ANKARANA TSINGY AND ITS DEVELOPMENT

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Márton VERESS, Gábor TÓTH, Zoltán ZENTAI & Roland SCHLÄFFER
Department of Physical Geography, University of West Hungary,
H-9700 Szombathely, Károlyi G. tér 4. HUNGARY vmarton@ttmk.nyme.hu


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Abstract: The Ankarana Tsingy is presented from Madagascar. Various investigations were carried out on the tsingy. The tsingy has two occurrences: the Ankarana Tsingy and the Bemaraha Tsingy. The Ankarana Tsingy is built up of giant grikes, which developed along cracks and such smaller different karren forms, which are on surfaces between the grikes. Assemblages of tsingy can be distinguished by analysing the patterns and the sizes of the grikes. According to its morphology the tsingy can be blade tsingy, clint tsingy and tower tsingy. The grikes developed during non-soil dissolution. Rainfall percolating into the cracks created grikes where as the karren forms of the clints were created by rainfall falling on the surface of the clints. By using our measurements and data we describe the development of the tsingy. The young tsingy can be clint tsingy and blade tsingy. Clint tsingy develops if the grikes are created along cracks which are perpendicular to each other and those are far from each other. Blade tsingy develops if grikes are created along creaks which have a single direction and their density is great. Old tsingy develops from the clint tsingy when grikes widen. It can also develop from the blade tsingy if grikes are created along a new direction. And these grikes dissect the ridges of the blade tsingy. Towers (tower tsingy) develop during the process. Destroying and destroyed tsingy develop if the towers fall due to their destroying process.

Keyword: karren, grike, blade tsingy, pinnacle tsingy, clint tsingy

(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences)