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Volume 7, 2012 - Number 4
Sorin FILIP & Pompei COCEAN
Babeş – Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, 5-7 Clinicilor Str., 400006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail: sfilip@geografie.ubbcluj.ro, pompei@geografie.ubbcluj.ro URBAN INDUSTRIAL BROWNFIELDS: CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN ROMANIA Full text Abstract: This article approaches different aspects of urban industrial brownfields in Romania. The analysis comprised 60 cities of different sizes, many of which having large factories before 1989, factories that are now closed. The spatial position and the area occupied by industrial brownfields have been analyzed for each city. A number of 222 industrial brownfields have been identified, with surfaces ranging between 0.13 ha and 1137.49 ha; the share of brownfield sites in the structure of the urban land ranges between 0.42% (Cluj-Napoca) and 87% (Călan) of the built-up area. The study revealed patterns of spatial distribution of brownfields in relation to the built-up area (compact spatial pattern, bipolar compact spatial pattern, dispersed spatial pattern) as well as the main dysfunctions induced by them. The brownfield / urban green space ratio shows that, for many of the cities, an undesirable grey-city label is emerging, the value of this ratio ranging between 1.04 and 178.44. Actions that can be performed for a proper management of urban industrial brownfields should be part of the following categories: environmental rehabilitation, functional redevelopment, or architectural conservation (if there are buildings that have been or may be classified as monuments).The main obstacles hampering a rapid functional reintegration process are represented by legislative gaps, lack of studies showing the exact type and intensity of contamination, decontamination costs, lack of urban development policy focusing on brownfields, the failure to earn resources for their management, and real estate aspects. Starting from the question “For whom do we plan?”, the targeted redevelopment opportunities aiming to eliminate the repulsive character, adopting sustainable development patterns and increasing the quality of urban life. Keyword: brownfield, dysfunction, constraint, opportunity |
(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences) |