CONTRIBUTION TO THE HYDROCHEMICAL STUDY OF GROUNDWATER IN THE PLAIN OF MELLAGOU - BOUHMAMA (NORTHEAST ALGERIA)Noureddine BELKOUM*1, Zouhir ZEGHDANI2 & Horiya BOUALI1 1Department of Ecology and Environment, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Water, Environment and Health Laboratory, Abbes Laghrour University, BP 1252 Road of Batna, Khenchela -40004- Algeria, *Corresponding author: 2Laboratoire de Zoologie Appliquée et d’Ecophysiologie Animale, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université de Bejaia, Algérie.
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AbstractThe groundwater of Bouhmama shows important chemical variations induced by the aridity of the climate, mineral dissolution and agricultural activity. The use of geochemical techniques has identified that the evolution of the chemical facies takes place from the calcium bicarbonate pole in the limestone outcrops in the West towards a major facies of calcium sulfate type in the center and downstream of the plain. These chemical facies are determined by the water-rock interaction, dissolution and mineral precipitations, through cationic exchanges along the water flow towards its outlet and the infiltration of irrigation waters loaded with salts and fertilizers in the irrigated perimeters. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) explaining 85.64% of the variance shows that except for bicarbonates all elements are responsible for the mineralization of groundwater. Keywords:
How to cite
CONTRIBUTION TO THE HYDROCHEMICAL STUDY OF GROUNDWATER IN THE PLAIN OF MELLAGOU - BOUHMAMA (NORTHEAST ALGERIA), Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences February 2024, Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 115 – 123; DOI:10.26471/cjees/2024/019/283
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