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Peer Review

        The publishing of CARPATHIAN JOURNAL of EARTH and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES has started in 2006. The regularity of this magazine is quarterly. The journal will publish scientific works, in international purposes, in different areas of research, such as: geology, geography, environmental sciences, the environmental pollution and protection, environmental biodegradation, climatic changes, fighting against natural disasters, protected areas, soil degradation, water quality, water supplies. By its thematic this publication is different from others magazines. This journal is the only one with this thematic, in the central eastern European area. Its role is to disseminate the scientific results of the researchers in this area. The editorial board team is an international one, made up from different scientific personalities. Before publishing, each article is read by the board team, to verify if all the instructions are followed and to verify if the article is well placed, regarding the thematic. If the article does not fit in in the topics of the journal, it will be rejected by the editorial board. After this, each article is evaluated by two scientific referents. If one of the referents, or both of them, has observations, the article is returned to the author for the appropriate modifications.

       After this step, the article is sent again to the scientific referents. If the article is rejected for publication, by at least one of the referents it will not be published.

        This magazine respects the international standards and it is published in English.

©2006—2024 Publisher Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences