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You are here: Home » Past Issues » Volume 12, 2017 - Number 1 » RELICT CRYOPLANATION TERRACES OF CENTRAL KOPAONIK (SERBIA)

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Dragan NEŠIĆ1, Miroljub A. MILINČIĆ2 & Bogdan LUKIĆ3
1Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Instutute’s Unit in Niš, Vožda Karađorđa 14/2, 18000 Niš, Serbia;
email: dragan.nesic@zzps.rs
2University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Studentski trg 3/III, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia;
email: mikan@gef.bg.ac.rs
3University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Studentski trg 3/III, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia;
email: bogdan@gef.bg.ac.rs


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The paper deals with cryoplanation terraces on Kopaonik Mountain (2017m) which had been formed for the first time as a relict relief probably during the last glacial maximum (LGM) of Late Pleis-tocene. Four sites on the slopes of the southern and eastern exposure of the central part of the mountain range at the altitude between 1390 and 1910 m have been studied. Qualitative geomorphological research has dominated. Quantitative research has not been possible due to the properties of the relict formations and genetic inactivity of this relief, which is also typical for modern periglacial environments. Distinction of cryoplanation terraces on Kopaonik is important for understanding the distribution of this relict mor-phology both in Serbia and South East Europe. The research presents a contribution to one of the primary goals of the concept of cryoplanation in terms of regional distribution of cryoplanation relief.

Keyword: relict relief, cryoplanation terraces, qualitative geomorphology, Kopaonik Mountain, Serbia

(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences)