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You are here: Home » Past Issues » Volume 7, 2012 - Number 1 » REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS FROM WASTEWATER BY USING ZEOLITIC TUFF

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Aurica POP1, Ioan VIDA-SIMITI2, Gheorghe DAMIAN1* & Gheorghe IEPURE1
1North University of Baia Mare, Romania, V. Babes Street, 62A, Romania pop_aurica2003@yahoo.com
2Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Memorandumului, 28, 400114, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
*Corresponding author: damgeo@ubm.ro


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Zeolitic tuff (from the region of Barsana, Maramures, Romania) was used in the experimental determinations for retaining the Pb and Zn ions from industrial wastewater. The determination was performed in static regime using 10 g zeolitic tuff/100 cm3 wastewater (from the slag granulation basin of the metallurgical factory S.C. Romplumb S.A. Baia Mare, Romania). The initial concentration of the metal ions in the wastewater was 3.806 mg Pb2+/l, respectively 129.20 mg Zn2+/l. We followed the evolution of the ion exchange process upon retaining the heavy metal ions in three types of particle size range from the zeolitic tuff sample, i.e. 0.4 – 0.2 mm (G04); 0.2 – 0.12 mm (G02); <0.012-mm (G012). The clinoptilolite was predominant in the zeolitic material used in this experiment and was identified by qualitative analysis with the electronic microscope (SEM) and quantitative analyses by spectral analyses (EDS). For the G012 set of samples, particle surface were analysed by the scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and local X-ray energy dyspersive spectrometry (EDS). The zeolitic tuff which was in contact with the wastewater was separated by filtration, and the samples for determining the Pb and Zn ions were prelevated after 12 hours. The concentration of the Pb and Zn ions was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy at a pH of 5.90. The determined ion exchange efficiency values for Pb were above 96%, with the maximum 99.17% for the G012 set of samples. For Zn, where the Zn ions had high concentrations in the initial sample, the maximum ion exchange efficiency was 52.95%.

Keyword: Wastewaters; Heavy metals; Natural zeolites; Clinoptilolite

(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences)