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You are here: Home » Past Issues » Volume 5, 2010 - Number 2 » ETHICS OF SPACE AND THE TREATMENT OF MOST DISADVANTAGED AREAS

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Ioan IANOŞ1, Jean Baptiste HUMEAU2 , Cristian TĂLÂNGĂ3, Cristian BRAGHINĂ4, Cătălina ANCUŢA5 & Liviu BOGDAN6
1University of Bucharest - The Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Researches on Territorial Dynamics, 35, Agnita Street, sector 6, Romania ianos50@yahoo.com
2University of Angers, Angers, 8, Chateaubriant, France, jean-baptiste.humeau@wanadoo.fr
3University of Bucharest – The Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Researches on Territorial Dynamics, Bucharest, 2, Frumusani street, Bl.37, ap.24, sector 4, Romania, cristian2851@yahoo.com
4University of Bucharest – The Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Researches on Territorial Dynamics, Bucharest, 52, Nitu Vasile street, Bl.7, ap.32, sector 4, Romania, cristibraghina@yahoo.com
5West University of Timisoara, Timisoara 4, B-dul V. Parvan , Romania, cancutafr@yahoo.com
6Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, 150, Stirbei Voda street, Bl.26C, ap.2, sector 1, Romania, liviubogdanvlad@biblioteca.ase.ro


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Abstract: The differentiated development of space is the result of historical development of communities, which have participated to this differentiation through their creative ability. The insertion in space was distorted over time by attitudes of different levels policy makers, which introduced subjective keys in the development process. Although nature has provided with a wide range of resources, decisions made in different historical periods and the territorial development policies, more recently, have widened the regional disparities, creating real islands of poverty. In this paper, the space ethics is defined outlining its theoretical and applied nuances and there are presented ways of boosting development in the most disadvantaged areas. All the ideas expressed are based on widespread experience of research in the field. In an indirect manner, the work challenges the existing ethical deficiency in territorial technical analysis and development. In this respect much is devoted to items that play an essential role in defining the concept of space ethics. This concept can be equated to the respect of all actors involved in territorial planning (decision makers, specialists, entrepreneurs, population) compared with its perennial values. The space ethics could be conceived as a set of rules and moral norms, with a cumulative spiral nature, which can be the basis of an adequate behaviour towards the most disadvantaged areas. This set of rules and moral values has a certain dynamic, which accounts for the contribution of education, for how the experience and best practices are transmitted in territory and over time, for how identity is preserved in places and for the altruism in accessing various types of values. The treatment of deeply disadvantaged areas requires transparency in use of resources and participation in ownership benefits. Over certain periods of time these areas can benefit of the typical elements of positive discrimination, given the effective treatment of chronic underdevelopment.

Keyword: space, natural values and human values, transparency in territorial treatment, territorial positive discrimination

(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences)