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You are here: Home » Past Issues » Volume 1, 2006 - Number 1 » Problem and prognosis of excess water inundation based on agrogeological factors

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Laszlo Kuti, Barbara Kerek & Jozsef Vatai
(Geological Institute of Hungary (H-1143 Budapest, Stefania ut 14 Hungary)

Problem and prognosis of excess water inundation based on agrogeological factors

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Abstract: Excess water inundation can be regarded as a typical geological event in lowland areas when the surface is seasonably but persistently inundated in a considerably large area. Excess water inundation brings about serious damage essentially in agricultural regions, so one of the tasks of agrogeology is the prediction of excess water inundation upon geological conditions. From the geological factors of excess water inundation the two decisive are the permeability of surface and near-surface geological formations and the hydrostatic level of groundwater below the surface. The first one prevents or delays the infiltration of precipitation, whereas the second one is back damming infiltrating precipitation withholding thus precipitation on the surface. The excess water inundation as a phenomenon is evaluated differently area by area, so the definition was made clear first. Then after the research of the geological factors of excess water inundation, the determination of the possible occurrence of this problem is shown through a small region as an example in the northeast of the Great Hungarian Plain by the compilation of different thematic maps. Finally it can be stated that areas of high risk of excess water inundation due to geological factors are more extensive than those influenced solely by relief and other geomorphological characteristics, therefore deliberate land use is necessary.

Keyword: Environmental geology, Hydrogeology, Excess water, Permeability, Barco, Cris

(c) 2006 - 2024 , Publisher-Asociația Carpatică de Mediu și Științele Pământului (Carpathian Association of Environment and Earth Sciences)